Thanks to all guys who liked STEALER's trailer. It is inspiring and gives strength to move forward.
And thanks to all guys who irritate this video because it is not clear what will be the game. You helped me with understanding my motives and point in all this.
The video does not feature scenes with gameplay, this is a promotional video. It passes author's vision of project and mood, yes it's mockup. To be perfectly honest I'm not sure about gameplay. Working on it now, but don't know what i get, because I'm novice. Will it be a game in final? I do not know, I groping in dark. The only thing I can be sure that i want to create a living world. If I fail with gameplay or will not justify expectations of people who saw movie and say "wow!" I'm not too upset. My main goal extract this world from head to virtual reality. And gameplay resources for this purpose is ideal.
I do not see anything wrong or irritating in this conception because imho that essence of indie movement - do what you like, without looking at anything.
Keep going. This looks absolutely amazing!
ОтветитьУдалитьAll right, thanx! C:
УдалитьWhatever sort of direction you choose, I hope it's one that fits with and lives up to the fantastic art you've produced. A great story would help too!
ОтветитьУдалитьthank you =)
УдалитьThink you can set up a newsletter or some sort of dev Blog?
ОтветитьУдалитьOfcourse, i'll post development news here regularly.
УдалитьЭтот комментарий был удален администратором блога.
ОтветитьУдалитьYou know the trailer alone is perfection. No matter what the game will be like. Internet enhanced mankind should be happy it got the trailer.